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Tax filing for foreign employers 

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Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2021" kan hentes her Excel fil

Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2019" kan hentes her Excel fil

Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2018" kan hentes her Excel fil

Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2017" kan hentes her Excel fil

Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2016" kan hentes her Excel fil

Indberetningsskemaet "Tax Filing Form, 2015" kan hentes her Excel fil

En vejledning i at udfylde "Tax Filing Form" på engelsk kan hentes her PDF fil

En vejledning i digital indberetning på engelsk kan hentes her PDF fil

En engelsk udgave af virksomhedens selvangivelse S4 2016 kan hentes her Excel fil

En engelsk udgave af virksomhedens selvangivelse S4 2015 kan hentes her Excel fil

En engelsk udgave af virksomhedens selvangivelse S4 2014 kan hentes her Excel fil

En engelsk udgave af tilmeldingsblanketten GER (Virksomhedsregisteret) kan hentes her.


En engelsk udgave af tilmeldingsblanketten Sulinal (Arbejdsgiverregisteret) kan hentes her Excel fil

Skulle der være nogle spørgsmål omkring den Grønlandske beskatning, så kontakt venligst Skattestyrelsen på


The Greenlandic income tax law - Indkomstskatteloven

The following is a translation of an original Danish document. The original Danish document is the governing document for all purposes, and in case of any discrepancy, the Danish wording will be applicable.

Income Tax Law:

 Greenland Landsting Act No. 12 of 2 November 2006 on Income Tax


 Greenland Landsting Act no. 2 of 26 April 2007 to amend Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(amending 60-day rule, deadlines for submission of statements and payment of taxes, etc.)

 Greenland Landsting Act no. 11 of 15 November 2007 to amend Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(Termination of joint tax assessment for cohabiting married couples, introduction of transfer pricing rules, thin capitalisation and CFC taxation)

 Greenland Landsting Act no. 9 of 5 December 2008 to amend Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(Clarification of tax liability for personal services on board ships and aircrafts, interest deduction cap on mortgages related to foreign property and extended scope of loss carry-forward provision for specific licensees)

 Greenland Parliament Act no. 3 of 30 November 2009 to amend the Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(Tax liability in relation to mineral resource activities, more stringent taxation of company cars, transfer of tax amortisations/depreciations and extended withholding obligations)

 Greenland Parliament Act para. 20 of 18 November 2010 to amend Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(Company cars for on-call service scheme, depreciation of licence interests, conversion of enterprises subject to tax on Greenland-source income, transfer of licence interests in return for payment of future exploration costs, tax municipalities and gross tax scheme for certain foreign nationals)

 Greenland Parliament Act no. 9 of 3 December 2012 to amend Greenland Landsting Act on Income Tax

(Taxation of vacant accommodation, cap on interest deductions and tightening of amortisation and depreciation rules)